New assignment for Bane NOR
RailAdvice has been awarded a contract to support Bane NOR with RAMS-related tasks in small and medium-sized development projects.
Vår seniorkonsulent Lars Berggren vil inngå i Bane NORs enhet for RAMS-spesialister/-rådgivere og vil fremfor alt bistå prosjekter som utfører forberedende arbeid for å tilrettelegge for ERTMS-implementeringen i Norge.
Utover mer generelle RAMS-oppgaver som å lede, planlegge, gjennomføre og følge opp RAMS-aktiviteter, og assistere prosjektledelsen, vil Lars bistå med faglig utvikling og kontinuerlig forbedring innen RAMS.
RailAdvice og vår flinke RAMS-ressurs Lars Berggren ser frem til å bistå Bane NOR i dette spennende arbeidet.
Our senior consultant Lars Berggren is part of Bane NOR's unit for RAMS specialists/advisers and supports projects that carry out preparatory work to facilitate the ERTMS implementation in Norway.
In addition to more general RAMS tasks such as leading, planning, implementing and following up RAMS activities, and assisting project management, Lars will assist with professional development and continuous improvement within RAMS.
RailAdvice and our RAMS resource Lars Berggren is looking forward to assisting Bane NOR in this exciting assignment.