"Show me the evidence"
Norwegian chapter of ESRA (European Safety and Reliability Association) arranged a seminar on March 30th on rail bound traffic and safety. Senior consultant Lars Berggren from RailAdvice presented on his experiences about safety in a complex system in an ongoing CBTC-project in Melbourne, Australia.
Lars har bistått prosjektet med sin RAMS-kunnskap siden 2020, hvor han en periode var sikkerhetsleder.
På seminaret fortalte Lars om ulikheter mellom Europeiske og Australske sikkerhetsmodeller og forklarte om prosjektets fremdrift og utfordringer.
Vi takker ESRA for et spennende seminar, og at RailAdvice ved Lars Berggren kunne bidra med et interessant innlegg. Vi ser frem til flere faglige treff hvor vi kan møtes for faglige samtaler og diskusjoner.
Lars has been part of the project team and has contributed to this CBTC-project with RAMS competence since 2020, and for a while he held the position as Safety manager.
In his talk, Lars discussed the differences between European and Australian safety models, the current progress and status in the project, and explained challenges that the project was facing and how those are overcome and handled.
We send our thanks to ESRA Norway for an exciting seminar and we are delighted that RailAdvice could contribute with the interesting talk from Lars Berggren. We look forward to coming events where we can meet colleagues for interesting conversations and discussions on our business.