Assisted in tender phase for new local trains
In 2020, Norske tog AS invited to a competition to deliver new local trains to Norway. 30 new local trains, with an option for another 170 vehicles, will replace current aging vehicles from 2024 and onwards. An international rolling stock supplier asked RailAdvice to assist with their offer, we fielded a strong team consisting of Karin Johansson, Ingvar Fleten and Lars Mortvedt.
Foruten å bistå med overordnede strategiske råd gikk en del av arbeidet også ut på å tolke kravene i konkurransegrunnlaget, særlig de som omhandlet norske, spesielle forhold. RailAdvice kunne her, ved hjelp av sin kompetanse og erfaring, komme med faglig begrunnede anbefalinger og konkrete forslag til tekniske løsninger. Mye tid ble også brukt til å lese og kommentere togleverandørens mange tekniske dokumenter som inngikk i deres tilbud.
Bildet under er fra Norske togs presentasjonsvideo som understøttet konkurransegrunnlaget:
In addition to assisting with overall strategical advice’s, part of the work was also to interpret the requirements in the tender documents, particularly those that dealt with special Norwegian conditions. Here could RailAdvice with expertise and experience, assist with professionally justified recommendations and specific proposals for technical solutions. A lot of time was also spent reading and commenting on the rolling stock supplier's many technical documents that were part of their offer.
The picture below is from Norske tog's presentation video which supported the competition basis: